me and todd are surprisingly close for brother and sister, we are a lot closer with each other than gabe. so with my bubbling excitement for him leaving for higher education, todd has allowed me to help him out with little things before he moves into UCLA on sept. 20which is 'faaar away in the future' as he keeps telling me, but i just want everything to be perfect for him
he's my big brother and i really love him
my mom gave up the whole "i will speak only french to the children" act with me because as we were still living in alaska i declared myself "american not french!" at the age of four, although i don't recall, anyway he never gave up on me and refused to speak english with me until i was maybe 11
now i proudly declare myself french canadian
i digress
we bought him a new macbook for school this weekend and after thinking long and hard decided he's going to go the engineering path, which i know nothing about frankly
and honestly i feel that it's something he is certainly interested in but isn't his true burning interest which i figure i'll never really know for whatever reason
but he did say that for his masters he hopes to go to a grande école d'ingénieurs in france. my mother almost died of happiness at the prospect of her youngest son studying in france, even if it is slightly far in the future
on a more sporty topic
on sunday afternoon i had the second half of my lacrosse tryouts (i play club). and admittedly i was a little rusty after not playing for a year in france where the sport is basically non-existent but i found out monday afternoon i made it and i can't wait for the practices to begin. im naturally more on the thin side but you tend to notice a little unwanted weight after a years worth of baguette and rich cheese. plus the naturally good feeling you get after a nice workout has been severely missed recently. couch chair lounging is becoming less fun by the day
lastly sunday night my friend threw a very average house party for no apparent reason, a celebration of life i suppose, the french seem to do this often..
it was fine i guess if it weren't for the annoying amount of random alaskan party goers and the fact that i just really wasn't up to it
ever since i've gotten back i feel like things are really different, people have changed, why aren't we seeing eye to eye, etc. when really it's been me thats changed, i see the world so differently now.
mostly its that i care more about what's going on outside vancouver and around the world and a lot my home friends seem to think something along the lines of well why should we care if it doesn't apply to us
but i think im just frustrated now because i finally discovered myself a little bit and realize that my old friends and i no longer have much in common. my love of international travel and world language and culture now outweigh my desire to remain friends with the same people as before. i guess i just find them immature now
am i wrong for feeling this way? i feel bad
when we leave for college i doubt i will stay in close contact with more than a handful
i get the feeling im going to spending a lot of time with the foreign exchange students this fall