Friday, December 4, 2009

Ch-Ch Changes

Since we have last spoken, there have been many many changes.

1. Much to the anger of my mother, my father will be in Armenia until mid-June. He received a really interesting opportunity to study/observe the endangered Armenian birch mouse when one of his old zoologist friends from the states invited him. Yes, my father is a zoologist, specifically under the category of mammalogy. It was always fun during career day in prim. school. He has been gone for a few weeks now and my mother is miserable and angry, pretty much at all hours of the day. I feel for her students, there is nothing like an angry French teacher to ruin your day.

2. My grand-mère moved in with us last weekend. Only temporarily fortunately. The reason is that next week my mother is going to France for about a month. Why? To visit some friends and tie up all the loose ends for the adoption of my NEW BROTHER! I guess I'm pretty excited now, but why couldn't they have found a girl somewhere? We already have two boys.
Now normally I would be allowed to be by myself for this month. However I can't...

3. One day, when my parents were supposedly out of town I, like any normal person my age, threw a party. There were some questionable people and questionable substances. It got even better when my parents arrived. I never wanted more to crawl into a hole.

4. Every since me and "that guy" ended whatever was going on there. I have had zero, dates, zero guys in general, not even meaningless party kisses. But I'm okay because my grades have skyrocketed! I mean honestly, I'm doing great in school now that I have no stupid distractions. Also, I'm not allowed to go to any partys...
I'm starting to feel nerdy, and it's great!

more soon!